
The Dark Horse II

Opprinnelig pris var: kr.350.Nåværende pris er: kr.200.

Trevor Ford’s biography in two volumes moves from 1930-1940 century Oxford via life in a military camp in the Malaysian jungle, to Norway where Ford was going to make his mark on the Norwegian band movement.

NB Not in stock! Can be ordered as a print on demand, Get in touch for price.

Trevor Fords biografi i to bind beveger seg fra barndom i 1930–40-tallets Oxford via musikerliv i en militærleir i den malaisiske jungelen, til Norge hvor Ford skulle komme til å sette sitt preg på norsk korpsliv. (En samlet, redigert norsk oversettelse er planlagt i løpet av 2017.)

NB Tomt på lager! Kan evt bestilles som hurtigtrykk. Ta kontakt for pris.



Read about a colourful musical life

The Dark Horse gives a portrait the exciting life of Trevor Ford: Childhood in the 1930s and 40s in Oxford, musical life in a British military camp in the Malaysian jungle, his way to Norway, and lots more. The books are written in English. (An overall, edited Norwegian translation of the two books is in preparation.)

The Dark Horse II: In the second volume of the autobiography we follow Trevor Ford’s life in Norway, from the time he arrived in the spring of 1964, got a job in the Norwegian Band Federation – where his work came to impact the band scene of Norway significantly, until his retirement period – filled with musical and other activities.


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